Welcome to Persnickety Neat

persnickety neat care clear order organization

Who Are We

We are professional organizers & organizing educators.

Our Mission

To create a deeper experience for our customers by introducing the philosophy of caring, etiquette & efficiency into our work.  

What We Do

We provide in-home and online professional organization services & education. 

About Persnickety Neat

At Persnickety Neat, our goal is to create a deeper experience for our customers. As a result, we decided to bring the philosophy of caring, etiquette & efficiency to Professional Organizing.

We feel organizing is not just about aesthetics and remodeling. On the contrary, we believe organizing is about discovering yourself and reflecting the best of you in your space. We believe living your true self will bring wellness in your space and life.

Our focus

First and foremost, Persnickety Neat believes in the healing power of your surroundings. Thus, our focus is to transform your environment into a reflection of you; a reflection of your “personal brand.” Consequently, by doing this we hope to bring happiness and wellness into your life.

The Persnickety neat method

To help us with the process of organization, Persnickety Neat created a three-step assessment tool. As a result, The Persnickety Neat Method was born. This method allows us to work through projects consistently with care and professionalism each and every time. The Persnickety Neat Method is our business philosophy.

our Goal

In the end, our goal is to help you create your best-organized life, and find your “personal brand” in the process. We will do this with a caring heart, and the utmost professionalism.


We offer our services in the home, office and virtually. Please feel free to contact us anytime here.

The Persnickety Neat Method



This is the first stage or discovery stage of the persnickety Method to a more organized environment.  



This is our second stage on determination and the toughest. In this stage the organizer is supportive and a facilitator to your desires and needs. 



This is the last stage. And the stage of creation. the creation of your new space. 

Why choose us?

Our service is the first to combine the philosophy of caring, etiquette and efficiency into the service of customers seeking professional organization. 

We work to meet your personal needs because we respect and care about your time and privacy. Our services can meet your individualized needs by working virtually with you and your preferred platform.

Combining 20 years of Health Care experience in Nursing, Nancy developed a three step process to assessment & intervention each case with efficiency and consistency 

We believe part of caring & the success of our clients lies in relationship building and follow-up. At Persnickety neat, we remain connected by providing you with a followup consultation 1,2 & 3  months after project completion. This 20 minute call is at no additional cost to youy. 

At Persnickety Neat we not only provide you with organization services. We want to also give you the tools and resources to maintain and live your best organized live. Check out our blob & Ebooks for all the best vetted tips and tricks gathered from 20 years of Professional experience. 

Nancy is a proven professional with 20 years demonstrated experience in the Health Care Industry. Nancy has a strong link to Community Public Health with a strong foundation in Business Management. 

Projects Completed
Happy Clients
Lines Of Code

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